Solutions for Progress 

Michael Bryan, Ph.D.

Michael Bryan, Ph. D.

Managing Partner

Dr. Michael Bryan has 28 years of combined consulting and research experience primarily in water quality, toxicology, and fisheries biology. He has extensive expertise in CEQA/NEPA documentation, study design and management, data compilation and analysis, and permitting—particularly municipal wastewater NPDES permitting. Michael applies his expertise to assist clients with strategic planning; compliance monitoring; technical evaluations; project refinement, permitting, and implementation; and, when needed, expert witness testimony. Michael has been very successful in negotiating viable solutions for his clients when dealing with California’s complex regulatory challenges. Recent work has focused on CEQA/NEPA documentation for a variety of water resource and wastewater projects, municipal wastewater NPDES permitting and related services, and fish screen improvement projects. Michael successfully worked with municipal wastewater dischargers and Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) staff to develop and process eight amendments to the Central Valley Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan). He is currently assisting RWQCB staff in developing a framework for assigning the appropriate municipal and domestic supply (MUN) beneficial use designation, water quality objectives and implementation requirements to agriculturally dominated water bodies within the Central Valley of California.